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Water Conservation Structure |
Water Conservation Structure are basically dams (3-5 meters), where water is controlled, but also diverted at the same time. Water is essential part of agriculture, as well as domestic use. NGO's, people, and the government would help construction of the various structures.
Types of Structures
- Earthen water conservation works
- Masonry water conservation works with or without gates
- Underground dam as a water conservation works
- Timber crib
- water conservation works
- Construction of a Water Conservation
- structure requires technical person to prepare design and estimates of the structures. For planning and execution local people's involvement is most important.
- Typpographical survey of the area is necessary. For this work, local people with a little training of surveying are useful. Then the location, height of the structure can be decided after discussions with the local people. Then design and estimate part follows
- Get approval to the technical part of the structure
- For design and calculation part of the structure technical help is required. This part can be taught to young people, who have some background of mathematics and science. For earthen structures work can be done by local people or through contractors if the magnitude of work is large i.e. requiring more than a year.
- For timber crib dam, which is a new improved local technique, some training is necessary.
- For masonry structure with or without gates local mason can do all the work under guidance of technical person. For underground dam local people can do the work.
- Allows more time for water to percolate in the ground and thus helps in recharging the ground water table. Wells nearby the water conservation structures are full even during summer.
- Income level from semi arid agriculture land is increased.
- Silt accumulated in the structure can be used for nursery plants or can be used in the fields for increasing organic matter in the fields. In Adgaon silt is used for fields
- Drought proofing work and problem of drinking water solved
- Stabilised agriculture as water is available whenever it is required.
- Some structures are simple structure which do not require any high cost and hi_tech technique and they are very easy for construction
- External input to the village is less.
- Participation of villagers in each and every stage of implementation of the programe
- Some financial assistance to the villagers from state government
- Earthen works are labor oriented and provide gainful employment to the local people in off seasons. Skilled works provide employment to artisans in the village.
- Whole work is done considering village as a unit