Grassland Development

Do You Need Grassland Development?

Grassland Development is where Grass is implanted on certain areas of land. The grass acts as "shock absorbers", minimizing soil erosion (too much can erode the soil). This technique is mainly used for soil that is improper.

Social Fencing

With the help of social fencing (grass perimeter) is protected, so the cattle or anything else, isn't surrounding the area. Villagers; however must decide on the method of stall feeding for their cattle. At Naigaon village Pani Panchayat carried out grassland development on 2.4 hect. out of total plot of 16 hect. Tree plantation was also included in the same area. Benefits

  • Instead of uneconomical agriculture farmers can grow grass in this area and can use that as a fodder (hay) for cattle
  •  Farmers can go for dairy development if good quantity and quality of grass is available. Animals eat the fodder and gain weight, as a result there may be some economic gains 
  •  On common land, village as a whole can work for grassland development with the intention that this work will increase water availability in their wells and stop further degradation of the common or government land
  •  Soil along the hill slope and hill top is protected from erosion due to flowing water. Thus work of soil conservation is done without any special hi-tech technique. 
  •  Huge biomass is generated which can be used for cattle as fodder and also used as compost or as organic manure.
  •  As flowing water is obstructed, rate of infiltration is increased. At Khalad village where Pani Panchayat is working, it is possible to develop zero run_off watershed. All flowing water percolates into the soil. 
  •  Income level from waste land increased. 


It is often difficult to maintain stalls, which is a requirement when choosing this method of water technology, so sometimes villagers shy away from this method. On the plus side however; Naigon village is social fencing with the help of Thorny Agave Plantation. In Khalad village of Pani Panchayat the land belongs to the trust, so villagers don't have much responsibility over the stalls.

Grassland Development has its pros and cons, but to choose this method you have to outweigh the pros over the cons (in terms of your land, and yourself(s)