Gully Plugging

Gully Plugged
Do You Know What Gullies Are?

Gullies are eroded top soil,  caused from rain water. If left untreated gullies can get large; however plugs can be put in during certain periods of time to prevent the soil from further getting eroded. Often times villagers gather together and decide on the best method to get rid of both, the soil and water erosion using a Gully Plug.

The Process

The Plugging begins with the use of boulders. A dry stone masonry wall of these boulders is constructed across a gully. This wall allows water to flow up stream through it , but also allows soil  deposition. Villagers in Ralegan Shindi have used this method.

Though Gully Plugging is beneficial it does have it's issues: The task was very laborers (lifting boulders), people demand money for the work (when money is tight), and people want only their land to be "fresher and greener"; however in Ralegan Shindi  funds were given by the government to conduct this task, and others where given an opportunity. Awareness is also important regarding Gully Plugging. The more knowledgeable people are, the more likely they will use this method for their land.

Benefits of Gull Plugging

  •  Soil along the hill slope and hill top is protected from erosion due to flowing water. Thus work of soil conservation is done without any special hi-tech technique. 
  •  Huge biomass is generated which can be used for cattle as fodder and also used as compost or as organic manure.
  •  As flowing water is obstructed, rate of infiltration is increased. At Khalad village where Pani Panchayat is working, it is possible to develop zero run_off watershed. All flowing water percolates into the soil.
  •  Income level from waste land increased. 
  • Low cost