Contour Bunding |
Do you want to learn more about Contour Bunding?
Contour Bunding is an agricultural method used to control water flow and preserve soil.When it rains the bunds act as barriers, controlling water flow, in turn preserving the soil for agricultural uses. Trees and other agriculture can grow on bunds. There are usually several bunds within an entire sloped (small hill) field. States within India who have poor quality soil, benefit.
Should you adopt this technique?
- Instead of uneconomical agriculture farmers can construct bunds along the fields
and grow trees on the bunds. Marginal farmers can start small primary unit of
compost with trees on the bunds and grass along the bunds can be used for
cattle- economic gains from the land with improved
fertility (cattle are often used as an economic resource)
- Soil and water conservation due to bunding work will increase water
availability in their wells and to stop further degradation of the land
- Plantation on the bunds will satisfy basic need of fuel wood, fruits and fodder
- Soil along the sloppy fields is protected from erosion caused by flowing water.
- As flowing water is obstructed, rate
of infiltration is increased.
- Yield in the
intercropped agriculture increases if legume plants are planted along the bund.
- Income generation from the trees in the form of fodder, nitrogen in the soil,
fruits, fuel, green manure etc.
The Process
- Mark contours on the agricultural fields.
- Mark contours bunds along the contours. The height
of the bund should be 0.3 mtr and top width 0.3 mtr. The slopes should be
1(V):1(H). Spacing of bunds will depend upon slope of land. As slope increases
distance bet two rows will be less and vice versa.
- The bunds grassland can
be developed along with tree plantation. Trees which will satisfy basic needs of
a village and can be planted along the down stream of a bund. Water stored
behind the bund for few days, infiltrates into the earth increasing well water
In between two bunds agriculture can be practised. When agriculture is practiced, tree plantation on bund is possible. These trees will add nitrogen to the soil and become
useful to the crops. Trees will also be useful for compost which in turn will improve
fertility of the soil.
It is very difficult to convince people for bunding. They feel that if they use Contour Bunding as a method, the soil won't improve. The majority of the time; however awareness of the method helps solve this issue and may have the ability to change people's minds. A meeting was conducted within the
Adgaon village, and now they are using Contour Bunding as their prevention tool.